Biomarkers & Their Increasingly Crucial Role in Drug Development

Biomarkers & Their Increasingly Crucial Role in Drug Development

The Coronavirus massively highlighted a few distinct factors of the healthcare system. Primarily was the need for rapid drug development (in the form of various vaccines for Covid-19) and more importantly how important the identification of diseases at the earliest stages could not only reduce the chances of mortality for an individual but also allow for better quarantine measures to avoid epidemics which possess the potential to expand into future pandemics. With each passing year, technology has allowed us to delve deeper into the human anatomy & grow our existing…

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A Study Identifies Autoimmune Disease to be Linked with Testicular Cancer

A Study Identifies Autoimmune Disease to be Linked with Testicular Cancer

Washington D.C. [USA]: According to the Scientists, an autoimmune disease looks to be linked with testicular cancer that affects men. Known to us as ‘testicular cancer-associated paraneoplastic encephalitis’, it is the reason behind any serious neurological symptoms found in men. They lose control of the limbs, speech and eye movements progressively. The autoimmune disease starts with a testicular tumor, which seems to be the reason behind the immune system attacking the brain. Affected men find themselves undiagnosed or misdiagnosed often and relevant treatment is delayed. In a study that was published in…

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