MarketsandMarkets Smart Manufacturing Crystal Ball Event
The smart manufacturing market are expected to reach USD 384 billion market in 2025. Numerous enabling technologies are expected to fuel its growth – Condition Monitoring, Artificial Intelligence, Digital Twin, Industrial 3D Printing, Collaborative Robots, Industrial Cybersecurity, Warehouse Management Systems, Manufacturing Execution System and Automated Guided Vehicle.
This Crystal Ball event focuses on learning more about the most promising opportunities in the Smart Manufacturing ecosystem, as seen through the lens of eminent CXOs in this space.
90 minutes of brainstorming among 4 great minds which will aim at bringing out a tangible action plan by discussing the question given below:
Top Trends In The Ecosystem Of Smart Manufacturing
VP Digital Twin, Siemens
Managing Principal | Digital Advisory, Microsoft
Global Director-Head of Product Management & Industry Solutions, Rockwell Automation
Chief Technology Officer, Valuechain Enterprises Ltd
Assistant Manager, MarketsandMarkets
Associate Vice President, MarketsandMarkets