MarketsandMarkets Smart Grid Crystal Ball Event
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MarketsandMarkets Smart Grid Crystal Ball Event (Time Zone - 10 AM EST)

High growth markets which contribute to 20% of your revenues today will contribute 80% in the next 5 years. Identify these new revenue sources at MarketsandMarkets’s Crystal Ball event

The Smart Grid market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 19.1% to be a USD 103.4 billion market in 2026 from 39.0 billion in 2021. Numerous factors are expected to fuel this growth: supportive regulatory framework of governments, improved grid reliability and efficient outage response, increasing awareness about carbon footprint management, and strong focus on modernization of aging grid infrastructure

New opportunities for Smart Grid market includes ongoing smart city projects in developing countries, increasing inclination of automobile companies to manufacture electric vehicles based on V2G technology. However, high installation cost of smart grids and low awareness of protocols and interoperability standards are the major restraints for the market. Also, cyber security and vulnerability issues are the key challenges in the market

What to Expect


  • Revenue growth opportunities
  • Role of cybersecurity solution vendors and system integrators
  • Major technological shift
  • Opportunities due to smart city projects
  • Major strategic changes in the ecosystem

Crystal Ball:
Through the Speakers Perspective

  • What are the new opportunities in the Smart Grid market during the forecast period, due to upcoming smart city projects in developing countries?
  • What is the major technological shift seen in the market?
  • How is the degree of competition in the market? What is the market share of top players?

Conference Agenda

Top 10 Disruptions in Smart Grid Ecosystem

90 minutes of brainstorming among 4 great minds which will aim at bringing out a tangible action plan by discussing the question given below:

  • What are the top revenue growth opportunities for smart grid ecosystem players over the next 5 years?
  • Which markets, technologies, and customer segments are most attractive to place bets?
  • How are the top players in the ecosystem changing their strategies in next few years, in terms of changes in product focus, end-use industry focus, regional focus, and technology focus? What are the major changes expected in next 5 years?
  • As businesses continue to migrate to wireless communication technology, how important will be the role of cybersecurity solution vendors and system integrators who specialize in meeting specific use cases?
  • What are the new areas for revenue shift in smart grid market for different stakeholders across the value chain?
  • What are the new opportunities in the Smart Grid market during the forecast period, due to upcoming smart city projects in developing countries?
  • What is the major technological shift seen in the market?
  • How is the degree of competition in the market? What is the market share of top players?

Conference Speakers

Confirmed Speakers

Talal Eskandar

Talal Eskandar

VP Sales - Digital Grid, GE Digital

Andrea Donadel

Andrea Donadel

Senior Vice President Strategy, Schneider Electric

Kapil Garg

Kapil Garg

Assistant Manager- Energy & Power, MarketsandMarkets

Kaushil Kachhela

Kaushil Kachhela

Senior Manager, Sales, MarketsandMarkets

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