Just under 12 weeks to go until the MarketsandMarkets Next-Gen AgriTech Conference kicks off on the 17th & 18th of October 2022 in Chicago, USA. With 100+ attendees & stellar presentations from over 15+ industry experts and leaders, the event promises to be an insightful & enriching experience for all in tow.
We’re extremely excited & eager to hear our speakers sharing their findings, ideas & foresight into the future of precision agriculture & sustainable farming as novel techniques emerge to propel the growth of the industry forward.
As part of the build-up to the conference, we sat down to chat with Aishwarya Thyagarajan, currently working as a Research Assistant at CropTailor AB, to shed light on her vision for agriculture in the coming decades.
1. What is the future of AgTech 2050?
Thirty years from now, Agriculture will be the backbone of
the world’s economy that will be driven by cost effective and sustainable
technology. A large workforce from the young generation is expected to drive
the modernized agriculture in 2050, thus making the transition to a modern era
of agriculture smooth. With the use of appropriate technology, it will be
possible to improve small farm mechanizations, enhance the input use efficiency
and the power availability. Agriculture 2050 will also ensure the use of high
yielding variety and GM seeds, enabling better food security.
2. What will be the key takeaways from your presentation which will help in expanding the knowledge base of the attendees ?
The presentation will focus majorly on Nordic oat cultivation and the breeding techniques. It will give an idea of the importance of oats, from an agronomical and health perspective, present-day oat farming, its challenges & the ongoing collaboration on oat research in Sweden and its future. The presentation will create more open communication and networks, thus opening new research and market opportunities for oats.
3. What steps need to be taken to encourage future generations to practice agriculture? If not heeded, what are the potential drawbacks?
In current times, from a youngster’s perspective, agriculture is being viewed as unprofitable, strenuous, and old-fashioned labour. To change this view, it is of utmost importance to redefine the image of agriculture. It is crucial to spread awareness of the benefits of agriculture as a professional career with the use of advanced technologies. In this regard, social media can play a significant role in creating a lasting impact in the minds of young generations. Additionally, strengthening of higher education and career prospects in agriculture will attract a larger chunk of youngsters to take up the field as a mainstream career.
Aishwarya is an avid Biotechnology Engineer with a passion for plant breeding and plant molecular biology. Having graduated with an M.Sc. in Biotechnology from Lund University, her area of research is focused on bettering oat varieties with improved traits such as enhancing the dietary fibre content of oats. She’s also keen to understand the molecular mechanisms that are involved in the biosynthesis and regulation of arabinoxylan, which is a type of dietary fibre.

Keep an eye out on this space for more excerpts from leading experts sharing their outlook on the latest innovations, challenges & the path forward!
Ayush Kanitkar