MarketsandMarkets Tech Transfer Event: How to create and describe inventions in a more commercial ready way? (Time Zone - EST)

1st September 2021


Given the importance of innovation to economic development and growth, the diffusion of inventions is of great interest to economists and policymakers a. Here the technology transfer comes into play which promote exchange of knowledge between academia and industry, to strengthen the transfer of novelties from labs to the real-world practices.

Tech transfer has its own deep rooted challenges viz, dissemination of technology, considered cost effectiveness for newer technology, adoption, and various regulatory and marketing related activities. Based on the addressal and solutions to these areas, MarketsandMarkets is coming up with the 1 day tech transfer workshop as “How to create and describe inventions in a more commercial ready way’ on 1st September 2021.


Come join us to hear the case studies from the commercialization experts, inventors and researchers from top USA universities and organizations!


  • Marketing best practices for small tech transfer offices
  • Tips on Positioning Technology for Licensing By Industry
  • Practices associated with assessment of inventions for internal investment and external licensing
  • Commercial ready inventions


Online registration

08:45 - 08:50

Opening note by MarketsandMarkets

08:50 - 08:55

Opening note by Chairperson

08:55 - 09:00

Tips on Positioning Technology for Licensing By Industry

Dennis Gilmore

Dennis Gilmore, PhD.m, Senior Director, Technology Advancement & Commercialization Business Unit, RTI International

09:00 - 09:30

Commercializing University IP

Les Nichols

Les Nichols, Director, Office of Technology Commercialization, The University of Texas

09:30 - 10:00

Marketing best practices for small tech transfer offices

Jessica Silvaggi

Jessica Silvaggi, Vice President, UWMRF

10:00 - 10:30

Enhance your technology commercialization success through actionable intelligence

10:30 - 11:10

Post marketing outreach with licensees

Allen Morris

Allen Morris, Executive Director, Commercialization EPI-Center, University of Louisville

11:10 - 11:30

Technology Transfer in LATAM: The Pacific Alliance Case

 Silva Patricia Mora Castro

Silva Patricia Mora Castro, Director, Monterrey Institute of Technology

11:30 - 12:00

Technology Transfer: A Long-Term Perspective as Part of a Broader Ecosystem

Kalpa Vithalani

Kalpa Vithalani, Executive Director Technology Transfer, Marquette University

12:00 - 12:30

Closing remarks by Chairperson

12:30 - 12:35

End of Conference

12:35 - 12:35


Dennis Gilmore

Dennis Gilmore

PhD.m, Senior Director, Technology Advancement & Commercialization Business Unit, RTI International

Allen Morris

Allen Morris

Executive Director, Commercialization EPI-Center, University of Louisville

Jessica Silvaggi

Jessica Silvaggi

Vice President, UWMRF

Les Nichols

Les Nichols

Director, Office of Technology Commercialization, The University of Texas

Kalpa Vithalani

Kalpa Vithalani

Executive Director Technology Transfer, Marquette University

 Silva Patricia Mora Castro

Silva Patricia Mora Castro

Director, Monterrey Institute of Technology

Hitesh Chittara

Hitesh Chittara

Vice President, Growth Advisory, MarketsandMarkets Research Pvt. Ltd.

Ashok Kumar Manimaran

Ashok Kumar Manimaran

Global Client Partner – Head of University Business Practice , MarketsandMarkets Research Private Limited