MarketsandMarkets CMO Virtual Panel - Exploring Demand Effectiveness Vs Demand Efficiency

28th February 2024 - 8 PM IST | 9.30 AM EST


Exploring Demand Effectiveness Vs Demand Efficiency

The dynamic landscape of digital transformation has ushered in novel trends that reverberate across industries globally, triggering a profound impact on the marketing ecosystem. Traditional workflows are undergoing rapid metamorphosis, necessitating an intensified focus on devising innovative strategies. These strategies not only ensure sustained visibility but also drive tangible demand for businesses seeking to navigate the evolving marketplace successfully.

In the midst of this transformative era, the surge in customer data generation, coupled with the advent of AI tools extracting valuable insights, has exponentially heightened the pressure on organizations to enhance Return on Investment (ROI) within a relatively short timeframe.

Simultaneously, the role of Chief Marketing Officers (CMOs) has expanded exponentially in the contemporary landscape. CMOs are tasked with promoting holistic growth, bearing the responsibility of unlocking the full potential of both pre-existing and newly available marketing channels. Their goal is to generate effective demand for an organization and its service offerings, weaving together a tapestry of strategies to navigate the complexities of the modern market.

This virtual panel aims to bring together industry leaders and CMOs to share insights, strategies, and best practices in navigating the challenges posed by the evolving digital landscape while maximizing demand effectiveness and efficiency in marketing efforts.


  1. Optimizing MQL to SQL Conversion
  2. Driving Synergies Between Sales and Marketing Teams
  3. Implementing Thought-Leadership Initiatives for Lead Generation
  4. Technological Disruptions and Client Impact
  5. Demand Generation Analysis
  6. Identifying Lucrative Micro-Markets

  1. Most organizations experience a bottleneck in the sales funnel due to alarmingly low conversion of MQL to SQL. How can you improve it?
  2. Organizations struggle with a lack of alignment between their sales and marketing teams, resulting in ineffective and siloed operations. How do you drive higher synergies between the teams?
  3. How do you implement highly effective thought-leadership initiatives to drive lead generation, and optimize marketing spend ROI and resource allocation?
  4. In today’s digital world, technology is enabling the growth of every industry with trends such as AI, IoT, big data, etc. defining new levels of effectiveness. Which disruptions are impacting your clients that can help in creating an impactful positioning?
  5. The divergence between demand forecast and sales quantity is mainly due to ineffective demand generation strategies. How do you analyse your demand generation activities to avoid overestimating demand?
  6. How do you identify the most lucrative micro-markets in your target segments? Do you consider the future growth potential in those micro-markets to identify attractiveness?

The virtual panel discussion is an informal, 45-minute chat between 4 eminent CMOs hosted by MarketsandMarkets COO, Krishnan Chatterjee.

  • The event aims to foster discourse around the transformative impact of the ongoing global digital transformation on the concept of marketing across industries.
  • From the increase in data, to the integration of AI tools covering widespread adoption, expansion of available marketing channels, & the interplay of sales & marketing moving forward, we explore the evolving role of a leading CMO & the requirement to create effective demand through marketing initiatives!


Poornima Couto

Poornima Couto

CMO & Global Head - Market-Making, SLK

Mariana Cogan

Mariana Cogan

CMO Americas, Hexagon Manufacturing Intelligence

Meenu Bagla

Meenu Bagla

Chief Marketing Officer, Cyient

Ranjita Ghosh

Ranjita Ghosh

Chief Marketing Officer - APMEA Strategic Market Unit, Wipro Limited

Krishnan Chatterjee

Krishnan Chatterjee

Chief Operating Officer, MarketsandMarkets