Supporting Associations

Institute of Analytics
Institute of Analytics

The Institute of Analytics (IoA) is the Professional Body for Analytics and Data Science professionals in UK and International. IoA is a not-for-profit organisation that exists to promote greater awareness, understanding and innovation in Analytics. IoA is fully supported in their mission by leading organisations in the sector. The Institute of Analytics provides members with the opportunity to network with other professionals in the industry, to learn about career development opportunities, to share knowledge and expertise, to access Continuous Professional Development programmes and to carry the official designation of membership. 
IoA works with Government, Academia and the Corporate Business Sectors to promote cooperation, research and employment growth in the Analytics and Data Science sectors. 

Digital Analytics Association
Digital Analytics Association

The DAA is a not-for-profit, volunteer-powered association whose mission is to advancing the use of data to understand and improve the digital world through professional development and community. Its vision a better digital world through data. The DAA was founded as the Web Analytics Association in 2004. The organization has 5,500 members around the world, representing a broad spectrum of expertise. For more information about the DAA, or to become a member, visit the DAA website at