MediWales is the life science network for Wales. We are a not-for-profit, independent membership organisation, providing advice, support and business opportunities for our members. We have over 200 members including life science organisations, pharmaceutical services, medical technology companies, academia and the Welsh NHS. We run a busy programme of activity including events, conferences, publishing magazines and one to one business support.
BioAlps Association is the entry point of the Swiss Health Valley and is Western Switzerland life sciences cluster. BioAlps offers a dynamic network in #medtech, #biotech, #pharma, #digitalhealth, #foodtech and #cosmetics. With more than 1400 companies, 63 research and academic institutions, 67 public institutions and innovation parks, 5000 students and researchers, 35000 jobs, the region is the number one and most diversified life sciences ecosystem in Europe. Startup companies, large multinationals and support organisms concentrate in a small, attractive geographic area with a great infrastructure, and are all working together across the cantons of Western Switzerland in a close-knit network.
The Epigenetics Society is an international scientific society open to all those interested in the epigenetics of any organism and all aspects of epigenetics, including:
Membership in the society is free to researchers (with a very low subscription for companies) and provides a monthly e-news with “Abstracts in Press,” conference news, job postings and other announcements.