Conference Speakers

Confirmed Speakers
Brent Stucker

Brent Stucker

Chief Scientist, 3D Systems

Kevin Schneider

Kevin Schneider

Senior Director, Group Technology Strategist, Autodesk, Inc

Fabian Stöver

Fabian Stöver

Director Sales EMEA - Photonics Group, Novanta Inc.

Ingeborg M. Rocker

Ingeborg M. Rocker

Vice President Industry Innovation, Dassault Systemes

Ravi Kanth

Ravi Kanth

AVP-Enterprise Business, MarketsandMarkets

Ravi Kanth has been with MarketsandMarkets for more than 4 years now and is AVP-Enterprise Business overseeing the Semiconductor and Electronics practice within North America. In his role, he actively works with our key clients and leading global companies, to help them identify and assess potential opportunities and augment their revenue growth. With a clear focus to support new business initiatives, technology advancement and application prioritization, he has been instrumental in developing customer-centric solutions for our manufacturing and technology clients alike. Prior to his stint at MarketsandMarkets, he has worked with industry leaders such as SAP and ZS Associates.

Rohit Waghadhare

Rohit Waghadhare

Manager, MarketsandMarkets

Rohit Waghadhare has more than 8 years of experience in Electronics & Semiconductor business in different applications like consumer electronics, robotics, access controls, industrial, automation etc.

Worked with the leading market research companies like Global Data and handled the business research of Semiconductor and technology in R&D across various core industries.

Currently working on Technology Convergence concept for emerging trends like Robotics, Access Controls, NDT, Building Automation and smart homes.

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