MarketsandMarkets Next New Series - The Future Of Diagnostic Imaging | Part 2

22nd November 2023


Technologies, Evidence And Benefits That Assure A Purposeful Future

In the world of modern healthcare, diagnostic imaging is a cornerstone of precision medicine. With over 5 billion imaging procedures conducted globally each year, the potential to determine clinical actions and monitor therapy outcomes is immeasurable. The future of diagnostic imaging holds immense promise, marked by the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) technologies, evolving ecosystems, and continuous innovation.

The Next New Series event, "The Future of Diagnostic Imaging," explores the exciting developments, challenges, and solutions in this transformative field.


  • Ensuring Optimal Patient Care
  • The Power of AI and ML in Diagnostic Imaging
  • Advancements in Imaging Technologies
  • Address the challenges related to data storage and information processing
  • Explore budgetary constraints and their impact on the adoption of innovative technologies

  • Gaining consensus on the biggest growth areas for diagnostic imaging, be it application areas, geographies, or customer categories.
  • Which technologies have the potential to move the dial?
  • Where will the demand come from in routine screening to support improved population health, address chronic care, or from new, more specific clinical pathways in oncology, cardiology, or neurology?
  • What are some of the challenges that need to be addressed to ensure diagnostic imaging continues to make significant contributions to the precision health journey?
  • What are some of the best practices employed by market participants to ensure the vision is realized?


Isaac Zaworski

Isaac Zaworski

President, Sectra, Inc.

Dr. Eliot Siegel

Dr. Eliot Siegel

Professor and Vice Chair- Chief of Imaging, Veterans Affairs Maryland Healthcare System, University of Maryland School of Medicine Department of Diagnostic Radiology

Dr. Howard Berger

Dr. Howard Berger

Chairman and CEO , RadNet

Adam Baiers

Adam Baiers

Head, U.S. Clinical Performance , Bayer

Siddharth Saha

Siddharth Saha

Senior Vice President - Healthcare and Lifesciences Practice , MarketsandMarkets

Hirsch Handmaker, M.D

Hirsch Handmaker, M.D

Principal Consultant, MarketsandMarkets