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Speaker Interview with Lorenzo Pasquali for 4th Annual MarketsandMarkets Epigenetics Congress

4th Annual MarketsandMarkets Epigenetics Congress

London, UK July 23, 2019 – MarketsandMarkets recently interviewed Lorenzo Pasquali, Group Leader, Endocrine Regulatory Genomics Laboratory IGTP, Spain regarding the 4th Annual MarketsandMarkets Epigenetics Congress, taking place on 3-4 October 2019 at Radisson Blu Edwardian, Grafton, London, UK.

Dr. Lorenzo Pasquali is Group Leader of the Endocrine Regulatory Genomics laboratory at IGTP, Barcelona, Spain . His studies helped to map the epigenetic landscape of the insulin producing pancreatic islet cells resulting in milestone publications that opened the path to understand genomic regulation of the islets of Langerhans and shed light on the molecular mechanisms that underlie the development of diabetes.

Q. What is the most trending areas of epigenetics currently?

A. Now days much of the research effort is centered in understanding the epigenetics landscape at a single cell level. Such effort is of particular interest for cancer genomics where heterogeneity of the regulatory programs may be relevant to the disease.

Q. What are the recent developments and technological advancements?

A. Many new developments were reached for new technologies allowing profiling single cell open chromatin and ChIP-seq landscapes. Crispr/cas9 screenings. 3d chromatin structure resolution and looping quantification.

Q. What are the key take away points from your presentation?

  • Insulin producing beta cell undergo an important chromatin remodeling when exposed to pro-inflammatory cytokines
  • Regulatory responses to pro-inflammatory cytokines are mediated by tissue specific and inflammatory transcription factors
  • Cytokine induced islet regulatory elements are implicated in Type 1 Diabetes genetic susceptibility.

Q. At which platforms the epigenetic community is most active?

A. Mostly single cells and sequencing platforms

Lorenzo Pasquali will present on “Pancreatic islet chromatin dynamics and type 1 diabetes genetic architecture”

The latest conference agenda and complete speaker line-up is available to download on the conference page, where you can also register –

For more inquiries contact Amit Shelke, Marketing Manager on [email protected]

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