News Technology

FDA approves Artificial Intelligence Software for Identifying Brain Bleeds

FDA approves Artificial Intelligence Software

According to a recent report, Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has given approval for the software developed by MaxQ AI. The software is an Artificial Intelligence-based solution to diagnose and determine non-contrast CT examination images which is known as brain bleeds.

Accipio Ix Intracranial Hemorrhage (ICH) of MaxQ AI uses the artificial intelligence technology platform to analyze head CT images automatically. Aidoc says that it is first of its kind in-depth learning solution to benefit radiologists in workflow group. Without affecting the workflow of the physician, this Healthcare AI technology can modify the original series of patient’s health information or even store it protected. Patients who show the signs of ICH are analyzed and prioritized.

Since around 75% of patient care involves radiology, the use of imaging is soaring in the healthcare sector. This effective technology of detecting brain bleeds shows a lot of potential in improving patient’s cases that are life-threatening.

With the clearance from FDA, this innovative AI software can now be purchased for commercial use within U.S. Also, it is said that the software will be showcased in an annual meeting of Radiological Society of North America in Chicago.



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