5th Annual Infection control, Sterilization and Decontamination congress announced with Speaker Line-up of Leading NHS Hospitals.

MarketsandMarkets is organizing its 5th Annual Infection Control, Sterilization & Decontamination in Healthcare congress at Millennium Gloucester Hotel London Kensington on 19-20March 2020, which will focus on challenges associated with HAIs. With attendance of professionals from NHS hospitals, Research Institutes and Universities specializing in Infection Control, Decontamination and Sterilization, this two-day event will present case studies on implementation of infection prevention method and various technologies in hospitals.
London, November 1 – MarketsandMarkets presents to you the 5th Annual Infection Control, Sterilization & Decontamination in Healthcare Congress to be held on 19-20 March 2020 at at Millennium Gloucester Hotel London Kensington, UK. The 2-day event will host more than 30 expert speakers, 10+ sponsors, 150+ professionals working in Hospitals, Research Institutes and Universities. This year we have a workshop opportunity for our infection control experts.
This 2-day, 2-stream congress will primarily focus on three aspects of hospital associated infections – Infection control, Decontamination and Sterilization. The expected attendance of 200+ delegates will include leading expert professionals from NHS & Private Hospitals, Research Institutes and Universities across UK, Europe and the Middle East working in Infection Control, Decontamination, Quality Improvement and Sterilization.
The congress will serve as a unique platform addressing issues associated with decontaminating process effectiveness and infection free hospital environment. Speaker organisations such as Northern General Hospital, NHS Lanarkshire, NHS Wales, Hamad Medical Corporation, Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, Bradford District Care NHS Foundation Trust, Hillingdon Hospitals will discuss challenges in maintaining infection free environment in hospitals and effective ways to reduce chances of healthcare associated infections through contaminated medical devices.
The primary concerns for healthcare facility are to control the spread of disease and reduce the number of healthcare associated infections, hence our speaker line-up for the event will present the case studies on implementation of infection prevention strategies and technologies in hospitals. Mark Campbell, Decontamination Service Manager at the University of Hospital Wales will present his case study on “Research on methods of protein removal and washer optimization”
Aseptium’s Director – Pawel de Sternberg Stojalowski, who specialises in solutions for decontamination of complex surgical instruments will present on “Test soils for surgical instruments and flexible endoscopes”. Over the two days, apart from these two experts, the congress will also host experts from Northern General Hospital, Health and Safety Laboratory – UK, UCLH NHS, and Beyond Clean Podcast.
The event overview, registration details and complete speaker list are available on the official website. You can also download the complete agenda to identify the potential interest in the conference on this page – https://bit.ly/2CQdmc9 oryou can directly email on[email protected]asking for more details, your queries and provide feedback.